When you have just a handful of students who are having issues with an assignment or when you suddenly are having issues doing what you typically have no problems doing... "It worked yesterday!"
Consider these troubleshooting steps:
Check to see if iPad needs an update... August 2021
Please ask before you update. iPads that will support it, can be running iOS 14.7.1.
Downloading update - need at least 30% battery & 15+ minutes but iPad is usable through this phase.
Installing update - need at least 50% battery (will run faster if plugged in) & will take 10 - 20 minutes. iPad is NOT usable through this phase.
The only email/login that should be in the iPad should be the student's.
DO NOT login in with an Apple ID.
These are managed devices. They have already been named and controlled by a system. Signing in with an Apple ID will only interfere with the iPad working as intended for a primary student.
POWER DOWN/TURN OFF THE IPAD. A restart every once and awhile is good for the device and everyone's sanity. ;)
Settings to check...
Does iPad have a passcode? (need this to meet Apple Securities)
Is autofill turned on for Chrome/Keychain? This helps to maintain logins in both Safari and Chrome.
Only email saved in the iPad should be the student's account. (Any other email will create issues with the securities/permissions and interfere with accessing instructional resources.)
DO NOT SET CHROME as default browser... this will cause issues with Seesaw assignments.
No Internet? Turn wifi on and off. Attach to RL Lions (if in the District).
Sign into Chrome & Safari with student's email - this tends to fend off Securely issues.
Tab management - more tabs open, slows the iPad down
Set Safari tabs to close - set to close tabs each day, week, month... under Settings, Safari, 3/4 way down right side.
Close all Safari tabs at once but holding the "Tabs" icon denoted by two squares in the top right corner
Close Chrome tabs - Single click the Numbered Square in the top right corner of Chrome browser... All open browser tabs will show. Click Close All in top left corner.
App Management - more apps left open will slow down the iPad as well
Close apps...Double click the Home Button (circle button on front of iPad). Swipe up to close. You can close 2 apps at a time.
Can't find an app? Pull down on the home screen anywhere to elicit the Search feature and type the name of the app you are looking for.
If an app is not completely loaded (greyed out), open the Mosyle Manager App. Choose Self-Service, find the app that you need and choose to (Re)Install/Update.
Consider putting apps that you don't want your students using in folders.
Consider putting apps that you want students to use often in the bottom dock.
Use headphones whenever possible. Cuts down on feedback during Google Meets.
Consider using QR codes to allow student choice and to quickly get students to new resources.
Make a screen recording with your iPad, on your iPad from the Control Center.